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DHu | Dskrsgtt
Logic and Conversation – Paul Grice
It is a commonplace of philosophical logic that there are, or appear to be, divergences in meaning between, on the one hand, at least some of what I shall call the formal devices--, / \,V, ::J, (Vx), (3x), (Lx) (when these are given a standard two-valued interpretation)––and, on the other, what are taken to be their analogues or counterparts in natural language-such expressions as not, and, or, if, all, some (or at least one), the. Some logicians may at some time have wanted to claim that there are in fact no such divergences; but such claims, if made at all, have been somewhat rashly made, and those suspected of making them have been subjected to some pretty rough handling. (1989:22)
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Urban Dictionary: Chump
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