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Find texts with regular expressions. This extension enables you to use regular expressions to find texts. The patterns you can use are Javascript RegExp Object's regular expressions.
1. Click the address bar or hit [Ctrl + L] to focus. 2. Enter fr and hit [Tab] to initiate finding. 3. Enter a pattern and hit [Enter] to complete and add the pattern to the find history.
If a pattern contains one or more uppercase characters, the find will be case-sensitive. If you want to do a case-sensitive find with all lowercase characters, append one slash to the pattern (e.g., wow/).yx If you want to do a find that is not case-sensitive with all lowercase characters and ends with a slash, escape the last slash (e.g., wow\/).
The followings are enabled if one or more texts are matched. 4a. Click the Find RegExp's page action button in the address bar to show the popup. 5a. Click the left arrow or right arrow button to jump to a previous or next match. Alternatively, you can hit [Enter] to jump if the button has a focus. You can move the focus by clicking a button or hitting [Tab]. 6a. Click the x button to clear matches.
4b. Click somewhere on the page to move focus there. 5b. Hit [Ctrl + .] to jump to a next match, or [Ctrl + ,] for a previous match.
You can right-click on the matches to select them before a context menu appears.
There are pages where this extension doesn't work well or completely. - Tricky pages - Cross-domain iframes and frames Chrome web store
1. Matching a username
1 /^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$/ Description:
We begin by telling the parser to find the beginning of the string (^), followed by any lowercase letter (a-z), number (0-9), an underscore, or a hyphen. Next, {3,16} makes sure that are at least 3 of those characters, but no more than 16. Finally, we want the end of the string ($).
String that matches:
String that doesn't match:
th1s1s-wayt00_l0ngt0beausername (too long)
2. Matching a password Pattern:
1 /^[a-z0-9_-]{6,18}$/ Description:
Matching a password is very similar to matching a username. The only difference is that instead of 3 to 16 letters, numbers, underscores, or hyphens, we want 6 to 18 of them ({6,18}).
String that matches:
String that doesn't match:
mypa$$w0rd (contains a dollar sign)
3. Hex Value
1 /^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/ Description:
We begin by telling the parser to find the beginning of the string (^). Next, a number sign is optional because it is followed a question mark. The question mark tells the parser that the preceding character — in this case a number sign — is optional, but to be "greedy" and capture it if it's there. Next, inside the first group (first group of parentheses), we can have two different situations. The first is any lowercase letter between a and f or a number six times. The vertical bar tells us that we can also have three lowercase letters between a and f or numbers instead. Finally, we want the end of the string ($).
The reason that I put the six character before is that parser will capture a hex value like #ffffff. If I had reversed it so that the three characters came first, the parser would only pick up #fff and not the other three f's.
String that matches:
String that doesn't match:
#4d82h4 (contains the letter h)
4. A Slug
1 /^[a-z0-9-]+$/ Description:
You will be using this regex if you ever have to work with mod_rewrite and pretty URL's. We begin by telling the parser to find the beginning of the string (^), followed by one or more (the plus sign) letters, numbers, or hyphens. Finally, we want the end of the string ($).
String that matches:
String that doesn't match:
my_title_here (contains underscores)
5. Email
1 /^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/ Description:
We begin by telling the parser to find the beginning of the string (^). Inside the first group, we match one or more lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, dots, or hyphens. I have escaped the dot because a non-escaped dot means any character. Directly after that, there must be an at sign. Next is the domain name which must be: one or more lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, dots, or hyphens. Then another (escaped) dot, with the extension being two to six letters or dots. I have 2 to 6 because of the country specific TLD's ( or Finally, we want the end of the string ($).
String that matches:
String that doesn't match:
john@doe.something (TLD is too long)
6. URL Pattern:
1 /^(https?:\/\/)?([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?$/ Description:
This regex is almost like taking the ending part of the above regex, slapping it between "http://" and some file structure at the end. It sounds a lot simpler than it really is. To start off, we search for the beginning of the line with the caret.
The first capturing group is all option. It allows the URL to begin with "http://", "https://", or neither of them. I have a question mark after the s to allow URL's that have http or https. In order to make this entire group optional, I just added a question mark to the end of it.
Next is the domain name: one or more numbers, letters, dots, or hypens followed by another dot then two to six letters or dots. The following section is the optional files and directories. Inside the group, we want to match any number of forward slashes, letters, numbers, underscores, spaces, dots, or hyphens. Then we say that this group can be matched as many times as we want. Pretty much this allows multiple directories to be matched along with a file at the end. I have used the star instead of the question mark because the star says zero or more, not zero or one. If a question mark was to be used there, only one file/directory would be able to be matched.
Then a trailing slash is matched, but it can be optional. Finally we end with the end of the line.
String that matches:
String that doesn't match:!.html (contains an exclamation point)
7. IP Address
1 /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/ Description:
Now, I'm not going to lie, I didn't write this regex; I got it from here. Now, that doesn't mean that I can't rip it apart character for character.
The first capture group really isn't a captured group because
was placed inside which tells the parser to not capture this group (more on this in the last regex). We also want this non-captured group to be repeated three times — the {3} at the end of the group. This group contains another group, a subgroup, and a literal dot. The parser looks for a match in the subgroup then a dot to move on.
The subgroup is also another non-capture group. It's just a bunch of character sets (things inside brackets): the string "25" followed by a number between 0 and 5; or the string "2" and a number between 0 and 4 and any number; or an optional zero or one followed by two numbers, with the second being optional.
After we match three of those, it's onto the next non-capturing group. This one wants: the string "25" followed by a number between 0 and 5; or the string "2" with a number between 0 and 4 and another number at the end; or an optional zero or one followed by two numbers, with the second being optional.
We end this confusing regex with the end of the string.
String that matches: (no, that is not my IP address :P)
String that doesn't match: (the first group must be "25" and a number between zero and five)
1 /^<([a-z]+)([^(.*)|\s+\/>)$/ Description:
One of the more useful regexes on the list. It matches any HTML tag with the content inside. As usually, we begin with the start of the line.
First comes the tag's name. It must be one or more letters long. This is the first capture group, it comes in handy when we have to grab the closing tag. The next thing are the tag's attributes. This is any character but a greater than sign (>). Since this is optional, but I want to match more than one character, the star is used. The plus sign makes up the attribute and value, and the star says as many attributes as you want.
Next comes the third non-capture group. Inside, it will contain either a greater than sign, some content, and a closing tag; or some spaces, a forward slash, and a greater than sign. The first option looks for a greater than sign followed by any number of characters, and the closing tag. \1 is used which represents the content that was captured in the first capturing group. In this case it was the tag's name. Now, if that couldn't be matched we want to look for a self closing tag (like an img, br, or hr tag). This needs to have one or more spaces followed by "/>".
The regex is ended with the end of the line.
String that matches:
Nettuts+String that doesn't match:
" /> (attributes can't contain greater than signs)
basic regex combos see
reg ex neu im kontext mit digibib
MacDigibib v2.0.0 Bis zur Fertigstellung einer Mac-spezifischen "Einführung in die Software" nutzen Sie bitte das PDF der PC-Version. Der wichtigste Unterschied der beiden Versionen betrifft die Syntax der Suche: Während die PC-Version eine eigene Syntax hat, verwendet MacDigibib an dieser Stelle reguläre Ausdrücke. PC Mac ?igarette .igarette findet "Cigarette" oder "Zigarette" berlin* berlin.* findet alle Wörter, die mit "berlin" beginnen Zur Klammerung von verschiedenen Suchbegriffen bitte spitze Klammern einsetzen. Z.B.: gott UND Wichtigste Neuerungen in der Version 2.0: - Unterstützung von DBZ Dateien (Zenodot Shop) - Bibliotheksverwaltung (siehe Einstellungen) - Quelleangabe für die Zwischenablage Fragen und Anregungen richten Sie bitte an
Ein regulärer Ausdruck (englisch regular expression, Abkürzung RegExp oderRegex) ist in der theoretischen Informatik eine Zeichenkette, die der Beschreibung von Mengen von Zeichenketten mit Hilfe bestimmtersyntaktischer Regeln dient. Reguläre Ausdrücke finden vor allem in derSoftwareentwicklung Verwendung. Neben Implementierungen in vielenProgrammiersprachen verfügen auch viele Texteditoren über reguläre Ausdrücke in der Funktion „Suchen und Ersetzen“. Ein einfacher Anwendungsfall von regulären Ausdrücken sind Wildcards. Reguläre Ausdrücke können als Filterkriterien in der Textsuche verwendet werden, indem der Text mit dem Muster des regulären Ausdrucks abgeglichen wird. Dieser Vorgang wird auch Pattern Matching genannt. So ist es beispielsweise möglich, alle Wörter aus einer Wortliste herauszusuchen, die mitS beginnen und auf D enden – ohne die dazwischenliegenden Buchstaben oder deren Anzahl explizit vorgeben zu müssen. Der Begriff des regulären Ausdrucks geht im Wesentlichen auf den Mathematiker Stephen Kleene zurück. Dieser benutzte eine fast identische Notation, die er „reguläre Mengen“ nannte.[1]
Tutorial Reguläre Ausdrücke
"Reguläre Ausdrücke" sind eine Art Sprache, die beim Programmieren für diverse Problemlösungen verwendet werden kann, insbesondere dann, wenn es darum geht, Zeichenketten (Strings) zu bearbeiten, zu prüfen oder in ihnen etwas zu suchen. Und weil der Name "Reguläre Ausdrücke" etwas unhandlich ist, heißen die "Regular Expressions" auch oft einfach nur "RegEx(en)".
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Und für Fehler bitte nicht gleich schlagen, der Text ist zu 100% im Regionalexpress entstanden :-)
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